WAMBA Water kettle, prototype. Commissioned by ALESSI, Italy. Design: Stefan Lindfors 1992. Photo: Marco Melander The three feet of the kettle would allow for letting the hot kettle to stand on the table surface without needing any heat insulation underneath. “Wamba” is Lindfors' design for a water kettle commissioned by the Italian company Alessi in 1990. The first prototype was pyramid-shaped and included legs that switched from an up– to down–position, allowing the hot container to be moved directly from the stove to table without burning the table's surface. The kettle would both fill and pour through a nozzle that was cut in half to make filling easier. The upper section of the kettle, including the handle and cap, detached from the base section, allowing the container's interior to be thoroughly cleaned. The second “Wamba” prototype was spherical instead of pyramid-shaped and the movable legs were omitted. Alessi ceased expansion of its water kettle collection at that time, and Lindfors' water kettle was never produced. The first prototype was published in Domus (Milan) in June 1994....
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