GLAMORAMA Book cover for Bret Easton Ellis' novel Glamorama. TAMMI PUBLISHING, Finland. Design: Stefan Lindfors 1999. Lindfors agreed to designing the cover of the Finnish translation of Mr. Ellis' novel “Glamorama" under the condition he'd like the book. He did. Lindfors was commissioned by the Finnish publishing company Tammi to design the book cover for the Finnish edition of Bret Easton Ellis' Glamorama. The edition was published in Fall 1999. When Lindfors met with Mr. Ellis on Manhattan a year past the publishing of the Finnish translation, Bret congratulated Lindfors on the cover design. “Fun to do, since I very much enjoyed the novel” Lindfors said, and Bret Easton replied “What? Did you actually read the book?!”...

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