STAR GATE DANCE Ceiling suspended sculpture. Docrates Cancer Hospital, Helsinki, Finland. Stefan Lindfors 2009. Photo: Marco Melander A new state-of-the-art cancer research center and hospital “Docrates" opened in Helsinki in summer 2009. The new building, designed by Architect Tuomo Siitonen, is split in two areas, one part for the Docrates cancer hospital, and the other section for a new unit of Helsinki hospital "Eiran Sairaala". In between the two buildings there's a Main Entrance Hall, uniting the two hospitals. Lindfors was commissioned by “Docrates” to create a symbolic sculpture in this entrance space. Cancer hospital Docrates’ operational principle is based on collaboration on all levels, with doctors, other hospitals, etc. Lindfors created a ceiling-suspended sculpture where two fantasy creatures dance around a planet in the universe. Another message is about dancing hand-in-hand, raising the issue of working together. Of course one can also interpret one of the two creatures representing DOCRATES and the other EIRAN SAIRAALA. The sculptures are certainly sea animals of some kind, but in fact not shaped as any speficic existing fish or whales. Lindfors’ point in his own words: "Staff and patients spending time in the building should have something to wonder about, and now they might keep on arguing about what creatures these really are.. Do they dance in space around a planet or is the sphere in the middle a symbol for a cancer that must be taken away?" The sculpture "Star Gate Dance" is hung from only one point on the central "planet" and the entire sculpture is perfectly balanced. Inner structure of all three elements in welded steel round stock, surface in chromed and welded steel sheet. Lindfors’ parntner in construction was Harri Ojala. "Star Gate Dance" was first unveiled to VIPs in the new "Docrates Building" at an opening party on April 29, 2009, and it was finally permanently installed, including final exterior lighting, in June 2009.  ...

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