TOTEM Outdoor-indoor sculpture. Helsinki City of Culture 2000, DNA Finland 2001, MARTELA Finlnd 2007. Stefan Lindfors 2000. Photo: Marco Melander, Helsinki city centre, Mikael Lindén (DNA HQ), Henkka Niemistö (MARTELA HQ) “Helsinki City of Culture 2000" commissioned Lindfors to participate with a work of art for an invitational sculpture exhibition to be installed for the year 2000 in the surroundings of Töölönlahti, the centre of Helsinki, Finland. Lindfors' sculpture "Totem" is a 10 meter high tower of welded and rusted steel round stock, altogether approx. 6 kilometers of rod (4 miles). Lindfors’ parnter in construction were Harri Ojala and Tomi Syrjä. After the year of 2000 "Totem" found a second home at the new Head Quarters of DNA Finland, as part of Lindfors' interior architecture, and in 2007 the piece was purchased by furniture manufacturer MARTELA for their Head Quarters in Helsinki, Finland. (Pls see “DNA HQ” – category 4/12)...

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